Pink Passion
Pink Passion is a striking floral arrangement composed of rich hot pink roses meticulously arranged in a French pave setting. The roses are nestled within a white ceramic vase with a unique, ribbed design that adds a touch of modern elegance. The roses' vivid color bursts against the vase's pure white, creating a luxurious and romantic feel.
Pink Passion is a striking floral arrangement composed of rich hot pink roses meticulously arranged in a French pave setting. The roses are nestled within a white ceramic vase with a unique, ribbed design that adds a touch of modern elegance. The roses' vivid color bursts against the vase's pure white, creating a luxurious and romantic feel.
Pink Passion is a striking floral arrangement composed of rich hot pink roses meticulously arranged in a French pave setting. The roses are nestled within a white ceramic vase with a unique, ribbed design that adds a touch of modern elegance. The roses' vivid color bursts against the vase's pure white, creating a luxurious and romantic feel.
All prices in USD ($)
Standard - $350.00
Deluxe - $450.00
Premium - $550.00